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Financial Aid Frequently Asked Questions

Tickets FAQ
Ticket Frequently Asked Questions

How many scholarships are available?

The distribution of financial aid is at the discretion of the Board of Directors and is dependent on demand. It is our goal to provide assistance to as many families as possible making it possble for all youth interested in exploring theatre the opportunity to do so. 

Can I apply for more than one session of financial aid per child?

It is our goal to provide these experiences for as many students as possible each season, so in general, if your child is awarded a scholarship, they will receive it for one session only. In areas where both scholarship demand and traditional demand are lower, it's possible that a student may awarded a scholarship for multiple sessions if we have not yet reached our scholarship cap.

When are applications due?

Applications are due with audition information to be considered for Participation fee Scholarships.

Applications are due before registration to be considered for Educational Programming Scholarships.

How do I apply?

Please complete the scholarship application here.

Can I register my student and then apply for a scholarship?

Please complete the scholarship application first if you are hoping to receive a scholarship.

Complete the Scholarship Application along with Audition information or before registering for a program.

We will consider all applications and contact applicants regarding their award.

If you are awarded a scholarship, you will receive specific instructions on how to register.

If you are not awarded a scholarship this season, you will be eligible to register through the standard process if your family chooses to do so.

What if I miss the deadline?

When we receive your application form past the deadline, we'll reach out individually. Any applications received after the deadline are reviewed at the discretion of the camp coordinator, and may not be accepted.

How much do your scholarships cover?

In order to provide assistance to as many families as possible, we request that each family contribute 20%-75% of the regular registration fee for their selected camp. We ask that you carefully consider your ability and include that information on your application. If financial hardship is too great, a request to waive any contribution may be submitted.

When will I find out if my child is awarded a scholarship?

Scholarship announcements are made between March 1-15 for spring camp sessions and between May 1-15 for summer camp sessions.

If my child isn't awarded a scholarship, what other options do I have for financial assistance?

  • Check in with local businesses and service organizations. They are sometimes able to support area students with program subsidies on a case-by-case basis

  • If your family celebrates holidays with gifts, use the camp experience as a gift for your child


When is camp?

Several sessions of camp are offered each year. You can find out when camp will be in your area here.

What if I have more questions?

Send us a note at, or give us a call at 773.893.0535. We're happy to help!

Academy FAQ
Academy FAQ

How to I register for a class?

Visit the Academy Page for more information and to register.

Can I set up a payment plan?

All classes require a non-refundable deposit. Payment plans are available to anyone who prefers to split up their balance into two or three installments. No application is required. Simply indicate your desire to make arrangements on your registration form.

Need-based scholarships are available to families who would not otherwise be able to participate in our programming. An application is required. Click here for information on financial aid deadlines and to download a financial aid application.

Will there be a performance at the end of the class?

Due to the process based storytelling format, Drama Quest Programs do not have presentations.

The Actor in You Series has informal presentations as follows:

  • Level 1: Parents are invited to arrive 10 minutes early to pick up their child. During these final 10 minutes of each session, students will present what they worked on during that session. 

  • Level 2: Students will be building on skills each session throughout the program. An informal presentation of this work will be shared during the last 30-45 minutes of the last day of the class. Details will be provided in the parent update e-mail sent out after each session.

  • Level 3: Students will be working with classmates on scene work. Parents will receive an invite to an informal presentation of these scenes at the end of the session. This is often presented in an afternoon or evening gathering outside of normal class sessions.

  • Level 4: Students will be the production team and performers of a fully realized performance. Tickets will be available to the public for the final presentation.

What happens if I want to cancel the class?

  • If you cancel your registration at least two weeks before the class begins, we will refund tuition, less a $10 registration fee per class.

  • If you cancel your registration less than two weeks before the class starts, any tuition paid for the cancelled class becomes a credit, which you may use towards either Academy tuition or tickets for 365 days from the date of cancellation.

  • Dare to Dream Theatre reserves the right to cancel programs if enrollment does not meet minimums. In such cases any tuition paid will be refunded in full, including the registration fee.

We want all students to be satisfied with their experience at Dare to Dream Theatre Academy. If, after completing the first day of class, you decide that you do not want to continue, let us know before the second class or the second business day, whichever comes first, and we will refund your payment (minus the $10 registration fee). After the second day of class, no tuition or enrollment adjustments will be made. 

What happens if there is inclement weather on the day of class?

  • If you are concerned about inclement weather conditions, check our Facebook Page for updates.

  • Dare to Dream Theatre will add the "Inclement weather make up date" if a session is cancelled due to inclement weather.

  • If a family decides not to attend due to the weather, there will be no individual make up days available or refunds provided. 

  • Dare to Dream Theatre Programming will be cancelled on days that the local Public Schools are closed due to weather conditions.

My student has done a lot of theatre with school and other programs, but this is our first Dare to Dream Theatre class. Can I register them for upper level classes?

Classes are based on the student's current grade in school rather than their experience. New and returning students can enroll in classes available for their grade level.

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